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Year: 2015

Client: Groningen Municipality

Move & Play, Groningen

Make a neighborhood more playful, sportive & active.

In 2015 we worked on the redevelopment of public spaces in De Hunze/Van Starkenborgh, a residential neighborhood in Groningen, the Netherlands. The goal was to make the neighborhood’s public spaces suitable for sportive activities.

The entire process focused on the desires of the residents. In a series of meetings, the residents shared their visions for their neighborhood, using interactive activities.

The final plan was called the “HunzeFit”: it included two football fields, an outdoor gym, and a new an unique playground – designed by Kompan.

Also, we designed the “HunzeMijl”: a one-mile running route through the neighborhood. The HunzeFit was opened in the spring of 2016.

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