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Year: 2017

Client: Rotterdam Municipality

Happy Groene Hilledijk

Transforming leftover space into a place for people.

In 2017 we were asked by Rotterdam Municipality to temporarily transform a part of a boulevard into a place for people. This intervention was part of a larger renovation of the street.


The Groene Hilledijk is located in Feijenoord neighborhood, in Rotterdam’s south bank. It is busy, mixed-used boulevard, home to a variety of residents and shops from different countries and backgrounds. The Car is dominant in the Groene Hilledijk, and the boulevard’s median is dedicated mostly to vehicle parking. The city has been working in recent years with local stakeholders to revamp the street and provide more space for pedestrians and cyclists.


In order to help locals and visitors to reimagine the future of the street, we applied tactical urbanism to temporarily transform the street. Using light and reusable materials, we removed parking spaces and transformed them into sitting, bicycle parking, and green areas. We also transform the median into a green space and provided a place for walk and play. We invited the neighbors and the city deputy mayor of employment and economy to present and discuss the plans for the street.


Soon after the intervention, first permanent renovations have started.

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